Thursday, January 5, 2017

Throw Back Thursday

Old man winter is back. Super cold out and mum is staying inside as much as she can. If she has to go out, she will, but is staying in to stay warms. Only a few days of this cold, then back to regular winter.

Today's throw back shows Derby pushing some of mum's snow guys off the tower. You can see other snow guys on the table. Mum doesn't put out as many snow guys now.

Derby's post was based upon a book, referenced below called Fang Shui. We all need Fang Shui.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Fang Shui Friday

Clutter destroys good ch'i. Enlightened cats should eliminate all clutter from the environment.

To clear a mantel, walk behind the clutter while gently pushing it to the floor. The humans will then remove it from your space.

From Fang Shui by Catfucious, Peter Pauper Press, 2002.


  1. Oh he was such a helpful chappie, wasn't he?

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Brrr! I can't even imagine the type of cold you guys have!

  3. WE are practitioner of feng shui too, much to the dismay of our humans.

    Emma and Buster

  4. Derby was very good with his arrangements.

  5. He was one serene boy, all right!

  6. Derby was definitely a character. He must have made efurry day a lot of fun.

    Stay warm Ducky and mom!
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku


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